
Tortoiseshell & White

Born July 1988

The 'elder' of the household!

19 years old and still going strong with us!!!!!!!!!!

K.C.&Allegra edited1.BMP (117906 bytes)   

Hi.  My name is K.C.  It's short for Kitty Cat.

A Little About Me:  I was an abandoned stray kitty who wandered up to the doorstep a long time ago (Oh I was probably about 8 months old at the time).  I picked a good one!   I'm here to stay.

It's a debate about my coloring.  I'm classified as a Tortie & White, but some will debate my being a Calico.  I don't seem to care much either way....just pet me please.  Everyone seems to love my vibrant colors and the fact that I don't have a tail.

I was shown in UFO as a household pet for one season.  I retired for a little while, but just loved all the attention I'd get from shows.  I then went to AACE shows where I had a good year this past season.  I am now officially retired from shows and am living the good life here at Ragtime!

My Achievements:

UFO Title:  Platinum Imperial

AACE Title:  Triple Regal

5th Best Household Pet in the Southern Region (UFO 1998-1999)

12th Best Household Pet in the Nation (UFO 1998-1999)

11th Best Household Pet in the Nation (AACE 2000-2001)

2nd Best Household Pet - South Atlantic Region (AACE 2000-2001)

My latest interests:  I'm a sun worshiper.   I just love to bask in the glory of the sunshine.  You will usually find me in the hammock by the windowsill, sometimes sharing with my buddy Allegra.  I also enjoy heading outdoors for some fresh air on the screened patio.  I'd have to say my next favorite activity is meal time!  No, I don't miss any.  And I will never turn down the chance for my daddy's lap!


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This page was last updated on 11/30/07.