Slys Legacy

RW QGRC Ragtime Cats Slys Legacy

Affectionately known as "Peanut"

Red McTabby Male

Born 4-15-05

A BIG Thank you to Lisa Skowron of Plumpmuffins in Indiana for lovingly raising these precious babies!

Sweet dreams with my sister & brother.  I'm in the front, of course.


Always gotta keep your eyes open for anything new.......

Here I am at the CFA International in 2005...................




Mt Titles:

ACFA - QUAD Grand Champion

CFA - Champion

My Accomplishments:

ACFA - 5th Best Kitten - SW Region - 2005-2006

ACFA - Best RagaMuffin Kitten - SW Region - 2005-2006

ACFA - 5th Best Cat - SW Region - 2005-2006

ACFA - Best RagaMuffin Cat - SW Region - 2005-2006

ACFA - Best of Color RagaMuffin Cat - National - 2005-2006

ACFA - BEST CAT - SW Region - 2006-2007

ACFA - 28th Best Cat - National - 2006-2007

ACFA - Best RagaMuffin Cat - National & SW Region - 2006-2007

ACFA - Best of Color RagaMuffin Cat - National - 2006-2007




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