NW QGC Ragtime Cats Worth The WaitRed McTabby & White MaleBorn 9-25-04 AKA "Baby Cody" or "PITA"
My professional pictures: I'm growing up - Here I am at 1 year....... ~~~~~~~~~
My pics at 3 months
My pics at 4 weeks A Little About Me: Hi. I'm known here as Baby Cody. My daddy is the famous Cody, who has been the BEST RagaMuffin cat in the nation for the past two show seasons straight. He was the very first ragamuffin cat to attain the title of Legacy of Achievement for top wins in multiple show seasons! So, my parents here at Ragtime have anxiously awaited babies from my papa. Well - I hear it took a LONG time - as my daddy is now 3 1/2 years of age, and I'm his first son (and first litter). Seems he thought he was a bit too busy showing off to be busy also producing offspring. Anyway - thus my show name is "Worth the Wait" - I have some big paws to fill - but I'm going to give it my best shot - in my daddy's spirit. They say my daddy is such a lover - I'm learning that quickly - you can find me following your every footstep and adding my paw into whatever your doing at the moment (literally). My mom is QGC Ragtime Cats Tres Diva of MufNHugs. My mom was the 3rd Best RagaMuffin in the nation last year and has been the only ragamuffin to date to earn ALL her finals to grand in ONE single show. At this time, I have the most ACFA grands in my pedigree of any ragamuffin kitten ever born. My Accomplishments: ACFA - Named Best RagaMuffin Kitten at the Annual RagaMuffin show. Highest scoring RagaMuffin kitten in show! ACFA - BEST IN SHOW OVERALL - ALL BREEDS! March 11 & 12, 2006 - Portage, Indiana. ACFA - BEST IN SHOW OVERALL - ALL BREEDS! March 25 & 26, 2006 - Woodstock, Virginia ACFA - BEST RAGAMUFIFN CAT IN SHOW! Annual RagaMuffin Congress - April 29 & 30, 2006! My Titles: ACFA - Quad Grand Champion!! ACFA - 14th Best Cat - National - 2005-2006 ACFA - 3rd Best Cat - SE Region - 2005-2006 ACFA - Best of Breed RagaMuffin Cat - National & SE Region - 2005-2006 ACFA - Best of Color RagaMuffin Cat - National - 2005-2006 ACFA - 15th Best Cat - SE Region - 2006-2007 ACFA - 42nd Best Cat - National - 2006-2007 ACFA - 2nd Best of Breed RagaMuffin Cat - National - 2006-2007 ACFA - Best of Breed RagaMuffin Cat - SE Region - 2006-2007 ACFA - Best of Color RagaMuffin Cat - National - 2006-2007 CFA - Champion (grand pointed)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Here is "PITA's" litter-mate brother - "Hooper"
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