SHOW SEASON - MAY 1, 2005 TO APRIL 30, 2006 FINAL RESULTS - AS AVAILABLE SE & NC Reports included to date Best RagaMuffin Cat National & IA WinnerProud to be the ONLY RagaMuffin to win a National Award this year!NW QGC Ragtime Cats Worth the Wait
Kittens: 1. Ragtime Cats Blazing SunshineMan - Red Tabby & White Male - SE - 21.83 B: Laura - John Gregory O: Laura - John Gregory 17th Best SE Kitten National Best of Breed RagaMuffin Kitten SE Region Best of Breed RagaMuffin Kitten Best of Color National
2. Ragtime Cats Stunning in Silver - Silver Tabby & White Male - SE - 13.83 B: Laura Gregory O: Laura Gregory 26th Best SE Kitten National 2nd Best of Breed RagaMuffin Kitten SE Region 2nd Best of Breed RagaMuffin Kitten Best of Color National
3. RibredMuffins Kokopelli - Natural Mink RagaMuffin Male - SE - 10.38 B: Rianne Berdick & Sylvia Smart O: Janet Klarmann National 3rd Best of Breed RagaMuffin Kitten SE Region 3rd Best of Breed RagaMuffin Kitten Best of Color National
National Best of Color: Heavenly Muffin Bluez Traveler - Blue Mink & White RagaMuffin Female - 8.00 Muffin Mania Olivia - Tortoiseshell & White RagaMuffin Female - 7.50 Folgerfuzz O No Its A Shady Lady - Shaded Cameo & White RagaMuffin Female - 5.38 Ragtime Too She's My Sonador - Blue tortie point RagaMuffin Female - 4.08
Regional Placements: Ragtime Cat Slys Legacy - Red McTabby Male - SW - 14.44 B: Laura Gregory O: S-J-J Land/Laura Gregory 5th Best SW Kitten SW Region Best of Breed RagaMuffin Kitten
Regional Color Wins: Ja Ja Olivia Ole - Blue Mink Tortoiseshell & White Female - SE - 8.06 Muffin Mania Olivia - Tortoiseshell & White Female - NC - 7.50 Ragtime Too A Snowball In Spring - Red Point & White Male - SE - 5.13 Ja Ja Asia Van Go - Natural Mink Tortoiseshell & White Female - SE - 5.13 Ja Ja Candy Kisses for Madeleine - Chocolate Tortoiseshell & White Female - SE - 4.81 Ragtime Too She's My Sonador - Blue Tortie Point Female - SE - 4.08 Ja Ja Chenille Chi - Seal Tortie Point & White Female - SE - 2.75
Ragtime Cats Blazing SunshineMan - 470 Alirose Dressed for Success - 338 Ragtime Cats Stunning in Silver - 331 Scallywag Rags Denali - 275 Scallywag Rags Burning Embers - 262 Ragtime Cats Slys Legacy - 243 Encore Cats Big Bad Voodoo Daddy-183 Ja Ja Olivia Ole' - 153 Ja Ja Felix Elixir - 133 Ragtime Too Tipper of Ragtime Cats - 127 Heavenly Muffin Blue Autumn Skye - 102 Ragtime Too She's My Sonador - 101 Muffin Mania Olivia - 97 LuvnMuffin Luck Be a Lady - 95 Ultimate Rags Vanderbilt - 90 Ragtime Too A Snowball in Spring - 88 Ja Ja Asia Van Go - 82 Scallywags Rags Papaya Patch - 82 Ragtime Cats Duncan's High Roller - 78 Ja Ja Candy Kisses For Madeleine - 77 Ja Ja Ice Van Go - 72 Ja Ja Saucey Mae Belle - 65 Ultimate Rags Cutie of Tuxedo Rags - 59 Ja Ja Chicago Cha Cha - 52 Folgerfuzz O No Its a Shady Lady - 50 Serendipity Thats My Man Benny - 49 Ragtime Cats Morning Glory - 48 Heavenly Muffin Betwitching Bella - 48 Ja Ja Chenille Chi - 44 Stormkatz Dust in the Wind - 43 Rivendell Rags Delta Dawn - 42 Ja Ja Monet Scarlett Giverny Van Go - 40 Encore Cats Miss Minerva - 39 Ultimate Rags Twetty Pei - 37 Rivendell Rags Eowyn - 25 Ja Ja Biance Van Go - 25 Ja Ja Angel Van Go - 24 Ja Ja Phoenix Van Go - 24 Ribred Kokopelli of Encore Cats - 24 Rivendell Rags Legoas - 24 Serendipity Totallyawesomety - 22 Ragtime Cats Howling Tiger - 20 Heavenly Muffin Bluez traveler - 19 Ragtime Cats Holly of C R Muffins - 18 Serendipity Violets-R-Blue - 18 Ragtime Cats Polly Wolly Doodle - 40
Adults: 1. Ragtime Cats Worth the Wait - Red McTabby & White Male - SE - 42.25 16th Best National Cat 5th Best SE Region Cat Best of Breed RagaMuffin Cat - National & SE Region
2. Heavenly Muffin Dandidelight - Cream Silver Lynx Point Male - NC - 18.38 30th Best NC Region Cat Best of Breed RagaMuffin Cat - NC Region
3. LuvnmuffinTobias True Luv - Brown McTabby & White male - SE - 15.71 24th Best SE Cat 2nd Best of Breed RagaMuffin Cat - SE Region
MufnHonez Danika of Muffin Mania - Sable Silver McTabby & White Female - NC - 13.25 2nd Best of Breed RagaMuffin Cat - NC Region
Ragtime Cats Our Man Cody - Seal Lynx Point & White Male - SE - 12.79 3rd Best of Breed RagaMuffin Cat - SE Region
Rags of Eden Templeton - Blue Mink & White Male - NC - 11.79 3rd Best of Breed RagaMuffin Cat - NC Region
Encore Cats Justifiably Jeanne - Seal Tortie Point & White Female - SE - 10.63 Muffin Mania Olivia - Tortoiseshell & White Female - NC - 9.88 Ja Ja Jamaica Beach Boy - Champagne Mink McTabby & White Male - SE - 8.33 Ragtime Cats Duncan I Wuv Bu Too - Black & White Male - SE - 8.21 Ultimate Rags Ashlee - Blue Tortie Lynx Point & White Female - NC - 7.88 Folgerfuzz Candy of Rivendell Rags - Seal Silver Lynx Point & White Female - SE- 7.44 Ragtime Cats Howling Tiger - Brown Tabby Van - SE - 9.04
Ragtime Cats Slys Legacy - Red McTabby Male - SW - 5.71 5th Best Cat - SW Region - Best of Breed RagaMuffin Cat - SW Region
Ja Ja The Lancelot Legend - Red Lynx Point & White Male - 4.42 Ja Ja Monet Scarlet Giverny Van Do - Blue Tortie Point & White Female - SE - 4.25 Ragtime Cats Morning Glory - Red Tabby & White Female - SE - 3.96 Rgtime Cats Dawns Morning Palette - Tortoiseshell -SE - 3.19
Ragtime Cats Worth the Wait - 1016 LuvnMuffin Tobias Truluv - 362 Ragtime Cats Our Man Cody - 329 Ragtime Cats Duncan I Wuv Bu Too - 197 Ja Ja Jamaaica Beach Boy - 173 Ragtime Cats Howling Tiger - 125 Ja Ja The Lancelot Legend - 104 Rags of Eden Templeton - 94 Ja Ja Saucy Asia Van Go - 92 Ragtime Cats Slys Legacy - 92 Serendippity That's My Man Benny - 91 Ragtime Cats Morning Glory - 89 Mufnhonez Danika of Muffin mania - 87 Kravchenko Technicolor Daydreams - 78 Folgerfuzz Peppermint Candy - 73 Ja Ja Monet Scarley Giverny Van Go - 69 Ja Ja Saucy Mae Belle - 57 Heavenly Muffin Sir Archer - 53 Luvnmuffin Cinnamon Swirl - 53 Ragtime Cats Dawns Morning Palette - 51 Ace ofmy Heart Rhett of Encore Cats - 49 Ja Ja Vincent Van Go - 45 Texas Rags AllaFire of Ragtime Cats - 42 Ultimate Rags Ashlee - 42 Luvnmuffin Luck Be A Lady - 42 Ultimate Rags Baybe - 38 Serendippity That's My - 33 Folgerfuzz Lone Star - 29 Serendippity Violets-R-Blue - 25 Indigo Rags Vivian of Ultimate Rags - 24 Rags of Eden Neveah - 24 Ja Ja Phoenix Van Go - 24 Serendippity Totally Awesomety - 24 Folgerfuzz Guess Whoof Kurisumasu - 24 Ja Ja Chicago Cha Cha - 21 Heavenly Muffin Bluez Traveler - 19 Ragtime Cats Peanut Brittle - 18 Gayla Tatania of Ja Ja - 16 Ja Ja Felix Elixir - 16 Ja Ja Ice Van Go - 16 Ragtime Cats Ziggy Stardust - 12 Ragtime Too Tipper of Ragtime Cats - 12
Alters: 1. Husker Muffins Romeo - Cream Point & White Neuter - SC - 22.96 Best of Breed RagaMuffin Alter Best of Breed RagaMuffin Alter - SC Region
2. Serendippity Totally Awesome Ty - Red Point & White Neuter - NC - 15.79 2nd Best of Breed RagaMuffin Alter Best of Breed RagaMuffin Alter - NC Region
3. Encore Cats Prince Charmin - Copper-eyed White Neuter - SE - 19.33 16th Best SE Region Alter 3rd Best of Breed RagaMuffin Alter Best of Breed RagaMuffin Alter - SE Region
Encore Cats Complete Chaos - Natural Mink McTabby & White Neuter - SE - 18.31 17th Best SE Region Alter 2nd Best of Breed RagaMuffin Alter - SE Region
Ragtime Cats Opal - Blue Tortie Point & White Spay - SE - 16.63 19th Best SE Region Alter 3rd Best of Breed RagaMuffin Alter - SE Region
Encore Cats Super Sunday Emmett - Brown McTabby & White Neuter - SE - 14.50 Cityname Zora of Luvnmuffin - Silver McTabby Spay - SE - 14.13 Ragtime Cats China Doll - Cream Lynx Point & White Spay - SE - 12.92
Majestic Rags Jette - 292 Encore Cats Super Sunday Emmett - 215 Encore Cats Prince Charmin - 186 Serendippity Totally Awesome Ty - 139 Encore Cats Complete Chaos - 136 Cityname Zora of Luvnmuffin - 131 Kaerik Rags Bijou - 121 Jaban Ziggy Stardust - 120 Ragtime Cats China Doll - 100 Ragtime Cats Opal - 86 Cityname Sylvester of Ragtime Cats - 67 Encore Cats Obadian - 25
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