Welcome to the Household Pet Page!
Twinkie, Tigger & Daphnie Household Pets is where it all started for me. I have always grown up with a "stray" kitty around. This page (and it's links) are dedicated to those special household pets in my life. Please feel free to visit often and see what we have been up to lately. Each of my household pets have been shown in cat shows. Most shows will have a seperate "class" for Household Pets to be shown in. These kitties usually are "strays" and previously "unwanted." If you'd like information about showing your pet, please feel free to contact me via email. I'd love to help you get started showing off your pet! Ragtime Cattery supports the spaying/neutering of household pets. We also do NOT support the declawing of cats, for problem scratchers, please talk to your veterinarian about a product called "Soft Paws." It's a wonderful alternative to declawing!!!Here is a newer picture of our baby "Daphnie"...........who keeps all the kittens in line <VBG>. You are visitor number This page was last updated on 06/20/06. |